The elephant is now in the Collection of Charles Saatchi

A part of an interview with my friend Douglas White (I helped out building this sculpture). The interview is shown on the website of Saatchi Gallery. I'm the ceramicist friend and I must admit it's not unlike me - to feel both terrified and excited at the same time:

DD: What other up and coming projects are you working on?
Douglas White: This project has been utterly immersing. It’s always the same with a new material and new body of work. For the past four months I feel like I have lived and breathed clay and dead elephants and it’s difficult to imagine anything else.
And I haven’t tried firing any of these clay pieces which sounds like an interesting challenge on this scale They would need to be pit-fired which involves digging huge trenches for the works and constructing kiln-like structures around them which are destroyed during process. Then you dig the works out. I mentioned it to my ceramicist friend, I think I saw a look of terror and excitement cross her face, that’s always a good starting point.

The Article from Saatchi Gallery

Read the entire article

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